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International Programmes

PPA Business School is a well recognised Institution of Higher Education supporting excellence in Business and Management education.

PPA Business School brings together over 5,000 students in their 10 campuses located in the major cities of France.

The Business and Management Degrees awarded by PPA Business School are recognised by RNCP ( Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelle). This recognition ensures access to employment and job mobility.

PPA Business School also recognises the value of its Management and Business degrees to for an International audience of managers and senior executives.

Managers recognise the value of a French Degree. They also recognise the high quality of the French education system for the development of outstanding management and business leaders who can contribute towards the economic and social well being of their country.

Our International Degree programmes are uniquely structured to enable interested managers to either study directly online with PPA Business School or with our approved  local affiliates. All our degrees offered for our International students are delivered in the English language.

Our International Programme Management Team

To ensure that academic and professional standards are maintained relevant to the recognition of our degree programmes, our management team actively monitors and controls the delivery of the degree programmes both online and delivered by our International affiliates.

The degree programmes are assessed through coursework assignments, case study assignments, project work and discussions. The assessments are consistently applied for both online and local delivery of our degree programmes.

Michael Wooi / Dean, International Programmes

Michael Wooi,  Dean of International programmes  is responsible for the management of the International team ensuring that programmes delivered online and by local affiliates are fit for purpose.With direct responsibility for the performance of local affiliates he ensures that the interests of our international students are satisfied.

Allan Sensicle / Director Academic Quality Assurance

Allan Sensicle, Director Academic Quality Assurance for the PPA International Programmes was formerly CEO of the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation, founder member of the International Association of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) and currently is Chairman of the International Professional Managers Association.As PPA International Programmes offers a range of local programmes to meet international standards, it is essential that the IPE Management School Paris maintains control of the monitoring and approval of local faculty, the setting and marking of assessments together with the moderation of examinations through the PPA International Programmes Examination Boards. This policy ensures an adherence of standards at the appropriate level of degree studies.

Prof. Dr Coral Milburn-Curtis / Director of Studies (DBA)

Director of Studies: Professor Dr Coral Milburn-Curtis is our Director of Studies. Her role is to design, implement, monitor and review the DBA programme in line with UK QAA Level 8 benchmarks, in collaboration with the Academic Board.She gained her doctorate from the University of Oxford, where her empirical research explored the effects of dialogic argumentation on the critical thinking of young adolescents. Her specialism is research methodologies and statistical analysis. She is an Associate Fellow of Green Templeton College, University of Oxford, where she continues to teach research methods to doctoral candidates and masters students.

Prof. Dr Mike Moulder / Director of Studies – Masters Programmes

A qualified Accountant with a PhD in Engineering he has served as Chief Finance Office of DHL, FedEx, T. Hilfiger with extensive experience in growing small SME into larger organisations. His latest appointment was a CFO of a European Commission Agency and prior to that with Kent Business School of Kent University specialising in Entreprise Strategy, Business Modelling and Planning.As Director of Studies he is responsible to ensure that all our Masters Programmes integrate theory with practice. Practice and practical issues must be explored as part of the learning objectives. To this extent, all assessments, assignments and examinations have a very practical orientation as part of the learning to transfer knowledge into the work place.

Jim Corrigan / Director of Studies – Bachelor Programmes

With a Masters Degree in Educational Studies, a Teacher Trainer and Lecturer delivering courses across the entire age range from Primary School to University degree programmes for over 30 years he has particular expertise in Business Studies, Economics, English, Modern Foreign Languages and Education.As Course Director for Undergraduate programmes he has the responsibility to ensure that curriculum and assessments of our programmes provides students with the requisite foundation, skills and knowledge to have the confidence to vigourously pursue a career in business and management.

Andrew Mears / Registrar

Responsible for ensuring that our policies for eligibility for entry into all our programmes are implemented including the confidentiality and maintenance of student records, dealing with student complaints, organisation of exam boards and academic viva voce activities.

David Irvine / Director – MBA Online Learning

Contact Us

Dean – dean@ppa.frDirector of Studies DBA – cmilburncurtis@ppa.frRegistrar – registrar@ppa.fr


Tel: +44 16 22 68 83 85WhatsApp: +44 76 82 04 15 88


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Dernière mise à jour : Juillet 2023